Research Ward

Since 1969, the university operates a research ward at the Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau (ZfP Reichenau), founded by Prof. Dr. Rudolf Cohen and now under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Brigitte Rockstroh. This research ward offers exceptional possibilities for training and research by the combination of

  • in- and out-patient treatment of specific disorders
  • clinical training of students and postgraduates, and
  • development and accomplishment of new projects in the field of clinical psychology

The selection of diagnostic groups and treatment programs is mainly determined by the needs of patients care within the psychiatric network in this south-west region of Germany. At present, the treatment programs aim at reducing the risk of relapse in younger schizophrenic patients and at relieving the burden to their families. In addition to the patients' treatment continuous counselling of their families starting with the patient's admission and extending beyond the discharge, including crisis intervention, is offered. (Loose contact with patients, their families, the local psychiatrists in charge, and occupational and living facilities is sometimes maintained over a decade.)

The ward (chief psychologist: Dr. Michael Odenwald) offers facilities for the treatment of 22 patients mainly with schizophrenic disorders. In 2012, 116 patients were treated on the ward, with an average duration of hospitalisation of 53 days.

For academic education, the ward provides excellent opportunities for the practical acquaintance with psychiatric patients and the different treatment programs, i.e. regular lectures, case seminars, internships, masters and Ph.D. theses as well as programs for relatives (group meetins and seminars for relatives). These offers as well as the participation of students in experimental studies allow students to get into contact with psychiatric patients on the ward, to get acquainted with their future professional field, to reduce anxieties and prejudices concerning psychiatric disorders and psychiatric treatment.

The research ward also provides a basis for an exchange in training and research between the Department of Psychology and the psychiatric institutions within the region, in particular the Centre for Psychiatry Reichenau. Members of the ward assist in the psychiatric training program and experienced psychiatrists offer seminars for psychology students (e.g. on treatment of addiction, affective disorders, psychoses and disorders in the elderly). The post-graduate training in behaviour therapy is realized in collaboration with the 'Tübinger Akademie für Verhaltenstherapie' (TAVT).

Being located in the same buildung as the Clinical Psychology and the Clinical and Neuropsychology groups as well as the psychophysiological laboratories (building 22, ZfP Reichenau), the participation of the ward and the patients in the research programs of the department are warranted.