Seminars, lectures, exams, schedule

How do I compile my course schedule?

The sample schedule under programme structure and organisation provides an overview of which courses you can take in which semester. You can find information about the time and place of a course in ZEuS. Here you can either search specifically for the title of a course or look for it in the course catalogue.

These instructions from the ZEuS team show you how to use the timetable display programme and set up your optimal personalised view.

How can I register for a tutorial/exercise?

Usually, students are informed about possible tutorials or exercises in the first lecture. Here you will receive information about the dates, the tutors, and how to register. In the first semester, tutorials and exercises are offered for the lectures Differential Psychology and Personality Research and Statistics 1. Tutorials and exercises serve as exam preparation. 

What are Transferable Skills courses?

Transferable Skills include a wide range of courses, such as language courses, seminars on Excel or PowerPoint as well as communicative, social and personal skills or the Service Learning (Nightline, theatre, "Balu & Du"). All credits earned in courses organised by the Language Institute, the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM) and the Centre for Transferable Skills (SQ) are recognised. The Department of Psychology also offers seminars that can be credited towards Transferable Skills. A total of 3 ECTS credits must be acquired as transferable skills.

You can find the respective course catalogue in ZEuS ("Courses" -> "Course Overview" -> "interdisciplinary Courses"). 

Sickness, holidays, attendance policy

What do I do when I'm sick?

At the beginning of each course, the lecturer will provide information on how many absences are permitted for the respective course and whether a doctor's note of illness must be submitted. Especially in small groups (seminars, exercises, tutorials), it is often desirable to apologise to the lecturer by e-mail in case of illness. Attendance lists are kept in many courses.
It is possible to withdraw from a seminar by submitting appropriate proof (e.g. certificates) to the examination office of the department.

How long is a semester and from when to when are lectures?

A semester in Germany lasts six months - so each year consists of two semesters. The winter semester runs from 1 October to 31 March and the summer semester from 1 April to 30 September. However, since the courses only start after the official start of the semester, it is worth taking a look at the semester dates. Here you can see when the introductory week starts and when the courses begin and end. 

What's the attendance policy?

Students are obliged to attend the courses they have registered for. Many lecturers, especially in small groups and seminars, keep an attendance list and indicate the maximum number of absences at the beginning of the semester. In the lectures, it is usually not handled so strictly. It is advisable to attend every course in order to pass the examination.

Crediting of previous achievements

Psychology students at the University of Konstanz (First-year students)

Recognition of study periods, study and examination achievements according to examination regulations § 8 (to be found under Forms and Downloads):

The recognition of study and examination achievements which were completed prior to commencement of the Bachelor's degree programme in Psychology at the University of Konstanz can only be granted upon application. This application must be submitted no later than 6 months after commencement of studies. Later applications will not be considered. If the requirements of the examination regulations are met, there is a legal entitlement to recognition. The documents required for recognition must be submitted. The Examination Board (StPA) decides on the recognition. It may delegate the decision to the Director of Departmental Administration.

20 VPh (subject hours) reached: What do I do when I have collected all my hours?

To have your subject hours recognised, send a SONA extract by e-mail to the examination office ( See the FAQ in SONA for instructions on how to create the extract. 

Original AG certificate must be submitted by post.