Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Wir bieten ab sofort Bachelor und Masterarbeiten an - bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte bei Dr. Tzvetan Popov (

Lateralisierte kortikale Aktivierung, dargestellt in Blau, ist kontralateral zur Leserichtung, die in Rot markiert ist. Würde sich dieser Zusammenhang umkehren, wenn man von rechts nach links liest?
► Kortikale Kontrolle der Augenbewegungen
während des Lesens

Beschreibung: In diesem Projekt untersuchen wir, wie die kortikale Kontrolle die Augenbewegungen beim Lesen von links nach rechts im Vergleich zu rechts nach links steuert. Abbildung 1 zeigt, dass die Blickrichtung sich rechts von dem zentral präsentierten Wort (d.h., dem grünen Fixationskreuz) konzentriert. Gleichzeitig ist die kortikale Aktivierung in der kontralateralen linken Hemisphäre am stärksten, erkennbar an der Verteilung der blauen Farbe. Wir fragen uns, ob sich dieser lateralisierte Zusammenhang umkehren würde, wenn man von rechts nach links liest. In einem Within-Subject-Design werden dieselben Probanden untersucht, die in beide Richtungen lesen können. Wir erforschen, welche Aspekte der kortikalen Kontrolle dabei eine Rolle spielen und welche Auswirkungen diese auf Phänomene wie Rechtschreibschwäche haben könnten.

Zur Beantwortung dieser grundlegenden Forschungsfragen werden wir die Methoden der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) und des Eye-Trackings einsetzen. Sie lernen dabei, wie man diese Techniken anwendet, analysiert und relevante Daten extrahiert, um eine experimentelle Fragestellung zu adressieren.

Abhängig von den verschiedenen Teilaspekten der Fragestellung werden zwei Bachelorarbeiten und eine Masterarbeit vergeben.

Anzahl der Arbeiten zu diesem Thema: Es werden 2 Bachelorarbeiten (BAs) und 1 Masterarbeit (MA) angeboten.

Zeitrahmen: 6 Monate/1 Semester

Betreuung: Tzvetan Popov­


► Was ist Gesichtswahrnehmung?­­­

Beschreibung: Seit den Arbeiten von Yarbus ist bekannt, dass bei der Gesichtserkennung spezifische Merkmale wie Augen und Mundpartien in den Augenbewegungen häufiger fokussiert werden als beispielsweise Ohren oder Wangen. Zudem ist klar, dass die Augen nicht nur eine Verlängerung kortikaler Netzwerke zur Außenwelt darstellen, sondern dass auch Augenbewegungen – und damit, wohin und wie lange bestimmte Merkmale exploriert werden – unter eindeutiger kortikaler Kontrolle stehen (Figure 2). In diesem Projekt zielen wir darauf ab, die okulokortikalen Zusammenhänge während des Kodierens von dynamisch dargebotenen Gesichtsreizen zu erfassen und zu erklären.

Um diese grundlegende Forschungsfrage im Bereich der emotionalen Gesichtswahrnehmung zu beantworten, setzen wir die Methoden der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) und des Eye-Trackings ein. Dabei erlernen Sie die Anwendung und Analyse dieser Techniken sowie die Extraktion relevanter Daten, um spezifische experimentelle Fragestellungen zu bearbeiten.

Abhängig von den verschiedenen Teilaspekten der Fragestellung werden zwei Bachelorarbeiten und eine Masterarbeit vergeben.

Anzahl der Arbeiten zu diesem Thema: Es werden 2 Bachelorarbeiten (BAs) und 1 Masterarbeit (MA) angeboten).

Zeitrahmen: 6 Monate/1 Semester

Betreuung: Tzvetan Popov­


Teilaspekte der Gesichtswahrnehmung werden in spezifischen kortikalen Arealen kodiert und zusammengesetzt. Welche Rolle spielt dabei die Art und Weise, wie und wohin die Augen bewegt werden?

► An online investigation of people's willingness to share
externalised cues of their interoceptive states in different
social situations 

Beschreibung: For this project, an online study is to be designed, presenting different scenarios (either as written text, audio, or video) in which participants should imagine themselves being involved while sharing certain information about their interoceptive states with others. This interoceptive information will include their heartbeat and breathing (frequencies), which they should imagine being presented in an externalised form—and thereby perceivable directly to others—in the visual, auditory, or tactile modality, using virtual, augmented or mixed reality (VR, AR or MR), e.g. as a blinking light or beeps only, blinking lights on an avatar (VR), flashing overlapped on a tracked person (AR), or interfaced in the tactile modality using a haptic vest (MR). For the different scenarios, they will then be asked a set of questions about their emotional/affective responses and how willing they would be to share these types of interoceptive information in such ways with others. Additional measures will be e.g. questionnaires for personality traits (Tsaousis & Kerpelis, 2004), anxiety (Spielberger et al., 1983), and experience with VR (Tcha-Tokey et al., 2016).

Anzahl der Arbeiten zu diesem Thema: 1

Zeitrahmen: 6 Monate/1 Semester

Betreuung: Dr. rer. nat. Albert H. van der Veer, Prof. Dr. Bigna Lenggenhager


► An Exploration of ECG Biofeedback and Synchronization 
in Cooperative Multiplayer Gaming Interfaces

Project Description: ECGaming

Overview: Media devices are slowly evolving to integrate various interfaces, sensors, and feedback mechanisms to enhance user experiences. One such frontier yet to be thoroughly explored is the integration of ECG (electrocardiogram) as biofeedback within multiplayer gaming. ECGaming aims to investigate the potential of such integration, envisioning scenarios where actions, like jumps in a Super Mario-like game, are controlled via the R-R peaks detected in the ECG signal, with the aim of investigating whether this increases heart-synchronization dependent of explicit awareness.

Requirements & Expectations

  • Currently enrolled Psychology Bachelor's or Master's student seeking to write their thesis with an aim towards a research career.
  • Prior coding knowledge is not a prerequisite, but would be considered beneficial.
  • Willingness to acquire relevant coding skills and utilize open resources, such as YouTube tutorials, GitHub, and platforms like ChatGPT for coding guidance.
  • Strong problem-solving skills with an emphasis on seeking independent solutions before soliciting feedback.
  • A proactive and resourceful approach towards research challenges is essential.


  • To understand the feasibility and implications of incorporating ECG as biofeedback in multiplayer gaming.
  • To investigate how heart rate synchronization between players is affected when heartbeats control avatars' actions, either one's own or others', with and without explicit awareness of whose heart is in control


The project will focus on:
1. Conducting a background literature review on current approaches and methodologies in using heart rate data as biofeedback in gaming and psychology research.
2. Explore the viability of incorporating heart-feedback in game play (e.g. heart-beat as a  controller for jumping or shooting)
3. Optional: Develop a simple collaboration-based games using platforms like Pygame ( that incorporate ECG signals

Tasks & Deliverables:

1. Literature Review:

- Identify and review research papers, articles, and existing gaming platforms that employ heart rate or other physiological parameters as biofeedback.
- Present findings and establish a theoretical framework for the project.

- Prepare a presentation summarizing the project background, its expected outcomes and hypotheses at a FoKo.

2. Game Exploration & Development (Optional):

- Main research directives are provided by the supervising researchers but the student is also allowed to and encouraged to explore video game applications that can integrate ECG as biofeedback (e.g. classical arcade games or modern video games)

- Design and develop a simple multiplayer game using Pygame or a similar platform. The game should allow for biofeedback via ECG.

3. Experimental Setup and Data Colection:

- The experimental design of ECGaming is to be implemented as follows:

   In one condition the players control the movements of one avatar, and their jumps are controlled via the same players heartbeats, whereas in the other condition their heart beat controls the jumps of the other player. In separate conditions, participants are either aware of the conditions, or blinded.

-Supervisors will assist the student in setting up the basic coupling of heart rate and ECG.

-Student is responsible for participant recruitment via Sona, randomization, and counterbalancing, and data collection.

4. Data Analysis

The student is expected to carry out the following analyses independently (with feedback upon request):

          Preprocessing: Import and clean the raw ECG data to remove any noise or artifacts Using the NeuroKit Python library (

          Feature Extraction: Pinpoint R-peaks in the cleaned ECG signals and derive metrics such as instantaneous heart rate and its variability using methods like neurokit2.ecg_peaks() and neurokit2.ecg_rate().

          Synchronization Analysis: Measure and visualize the synchronization patterns between players' heart rates, using cross-correlation techniques.

          Statistical Analysis: Apply statistical tools to determine the significance of observed synchronization patterns and explore correlations with gameplay scenarios and outcomes.

5. Final Report:

- Compile all research findings, game development documentation, experimental results, and analysis into a comprehensive report.


By the end of this project, the student will have gained a profound understanding of the potential and challenges associated with integrating ECG biofeedback into gaming interfaces. They will have obtained hands-on experience in experimental research and in analyzing heart rate data. Should the results prove noteworthy, we will submit the findings to a peer-reviewed journal. Depending on the student's contribution, they will be credited as a co-author.

Anzahl der Arbeiten zu diesem Thema: 1

Zeitrahmen: 6 Monate/1 Semester

Betreuung: George Fejer



#1 Effects of virtual embodiment on self-esteem, cognitive performance, and performance anxiety

Beschreibung: Our sense of self is made up out of multiple aspects which are at constant interaction among each other and with the world extending beyond our own body. Increasing evidence shows that changing the self at a bodily level, by using illusory embodiment in virtual reality, can result in changes in emotional and cognitive processes related to the self, as well as changes in social cognition, and self-other interactions. There is some first evidence that embodiment of avatars that are typically perceived as smarter improves performance in cognitively demanding tasks. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate how both self-esteem and task anxiety and performance are affected by embodiment of a powerful virtual avatar. Such potential effects could have important implications in educational and therapeutic settings. The study involves a combination of behavioral testing with use of virtual reality and recording of physiological signals such as electrodermal and electrocardiac activity. The master student will be involved in all steps of the research process, from creating the experimental setup, recording and analyzing data, to writing up the results.

The student is co-supervised by Dr. Marieke Weijs.

Banakou, D., Kishore, S., & Slater, M. (2018). Virtually Being Einstein Results in an Improvement in Cognitive Task Performance and a Decrease in Age Bias. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 917.
Maister, L., Slater, M., Sanchez-Vives, M. V., & Tsakiris, M. (2015). Changing bodies changes minds: Owning another body affects social cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(1), 6?12.

#2 What is the influence of the level of congruence between verbal and non-verbal components of communication on perceived speaker authenticity? 

Beschreibung: In this project, participants will be watching video footage of a person delivering different messages. The delivery of these messages should vary in the level of congruence between their verbal and non‑verbal (particularly body language) components. The hypothesis is that there will be a positive correlation between the level of this congruence within the message and the level of perceived authenticity of the speaker. To test this hypothesis, in the first phase of the study, preselected or acted video stimuli will be rated for congruence by a sample of participants, while in a second phase on authenticity by a second sample of participants. If the stimuli and their congruence ratings allow for it, an additional regression analysis should be performed.

#3 Of Selves Intertwined: Heart-rate and posture synchronization during virtual body-swap Illusions

Beschreibung: This project aims to examine the physiological and bodily correlates of participants who undergo a virtual body swap illusion (Petkova & Ehrsson, 2008). This technique induces full body illusion by switching the 1st person perspectives between participants, who are instructed to perform synchronous movements, which in turn swap their sense of body ownership. 

This project is an extension of previous research that examined the effects of body-swapping on behavioral measures, such as self-other distinction and empathy. The aim of this project is to investigate these processes in relation to body posture and heart-rate variability. Physiological (e.g. heart rate, breathing) and postural synchrony has been successfully used to characterize social processes during various types of interpersonal activities, for instance during gameplay. Advanced analyses can even determine the role of leader and follower during these social interactions. Hence, the aim of this project is to combine physiological and postural analyses to assess how synchronization influences the subjective boundaries between self and other during body-swap illusions.


Petkova, V. I., & Ehrsson, H. H. (2008). If I were you: perceptual illusion of body swapping. PloS one3(12), e3832

#4 Are you in flow: Getting continuous feedback during flow state


The flow state is defined as an optimal state (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975) which is characterized by individuals becoming deeply absorbed in a task. People in a flow state experience their actions as being effortless and fluent (Khoshnoud, Igarzábal and Wittmann, 2020) which makes them lose track of time and self-referential processing. Flow is mostly measured by taking various psychophysiological measurements (e.g. EEG and heart rate) from the participants during a sports performance (Sinnett, Jäger, Singer and Philippe, 2020), a musical performance (Sinnett, Jäger, Singer and Philippe, 2020) or playing video games (Khoshnoud, Igarzábal and Wittmann, 2022), and taking subjective measurements after the task by giving them questionnaires such as Flow Short Scale (FSS) and Subjective Time, Self, and Space (STSS). However, it is crucial to devise novel methods that enable the continuous collection of subjective measurements from participants during the task without disrupting the flow. Such approaches could offer valuable insights into the flow state.

The present study aims to develop a novel method that allows individuals to provide continuous subjective feedback throughout the entire flow-inducing task (game-playing session). Participants will be asked to apply pressure to a foot pedal and modulate the pressure continuously to indicate variations in their degree of flow during the task. This subjective feedback data will be analysed in conjunction with concurrently recorded psychophysiological data to gain comprehensive insights on the phenomenon.


Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). Beyond boredom and anxiety. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Khoshnoud, S., Alvarez Igarzábal, F., & Wittmann, M. (2020). Peripheral-physiological and neural correlates of the flow experience while playing video games: a comprehensive review. PeerJ, 8:e10520.

Khoshnoud, S., Alvarez Igarzábal, F., & Wittmann, M. (2022). Brain–heart interaction and the experience of flow while playing a video game. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, 819834.

Sinnett, S., Jäger, J., Singer, S., & Antonini Philippe, R. (2020). Flow states and associated changes in spatial and temporal processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 381.

Anzahl der Arbeiten zu diesem Thema: 1

Zeitrahmen: 6 months/1 semester, from October 2022

Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Bigna Lenggenhager, Sura Genc (M.Sc./PhD student)


#5 The effects of olfactory stimuli/(synthesised) body odours on the perception of avatars in virtual reality

Beschreibung: The ability of smell to serve as a social communication tool is an intriguing feature. Previous research has shown that body odours can reveal a surprisingly wide range of information: from characteristics (e.g. gender, Penn et al., 2007; age, Mitro et al., 2012), to emotional states (de Groot et al., 2012; Mujica-Parodi et al., 2009). However, the sense of smell is possibly the most under-investigated sense that humans employ to navigate the social environment, especially within the context of virtual reality (VR). 

The present study will focus on the effects of body odours/olfactory stimuli on the perception of virtual avatars. The student is encouraged to generate their own research questions and hypotheses, as well as contribute to the design of the virtual paradigms to be implemented. 


Penn, D. J., Oberzaucher, E., Grammer, K., Fischer, G., Soini, H. A., Wiesler, D., ... & Brereton, R. G. (2007). Individual and gender fingerprints in human body odour. Journal of the Royal society interface, 4(13), 331-340.

Mitro, S., Gordon, A. R., Olsson, M. J., & Lundström, J. N. (2012). The smell of age: perception and discrimination of body odors of different ages. PloS one, 7(5), e38110.

de Groot, J. H., Smeets, M. A., Kaldewaij, A., Duijndam, M. J., & Semin, G. R. (2012). Chemosignals communicate human emotions. Psychological science, 23(11), 1417-1424.

Mujica-Parodi, L. R., Strey, H. H., Frederick, B., Savoy, R., Cox, D., Botanov, Y., ... & Weber, J. (2009). Chemosensory cues to conspecific emotional stress activate amygdala in humans. PloS one, 4(7), e6415.

Anzahl der Arbeiten zu diesem Thema: 2

Zeitrahmen: 6 Monate/1 Semester

Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Bigna Lenggenhager, Dr. rer. nat. Duangkamol (Nack) Srismith


#6 The effects of olfactory stimuli/(synthesised) body odours on virtual peripersonal space

Beschreibung: A limited space immediately surrounding the body, where external stimuli can make direct contact with the body, is conceptualised and formally known as the peripersonal space (PPS; Rizzolatti et al., 1997; Graziano & Cooke, 2006). PPS has been proposed as a way to index the self-space and symbolise the area in which a person engages with external stimuli (Blanke et al., 2015; Salomon et al., 2017). In light of the introduction and ongoing development of virtual reality (VR) platforms and applications—which has increased the number of human encounters that take place in virtual or mixed realities rather than the real world—researchers have been examining and analysing how PPS is portrayed in virtual reality (Iachini et al., 2016; Serino et al., 2018). However, the potential function of olfaction in the construction and delineation of PPS within virtual environments remains unexplored. 

The present study aims to examine the effectiveness of olfaction as an investigative tool for the plasticity of virtual PPS. In a paradigm where an avatar (male or female-presenting) actively approaches the participant whose task is to indicate the distance at which they start to feel discomfort from being approached, our general hypotheses are as follows: 

(i) the presentation of gender-incongruent odour will enlarge participants’ PPS, resulting in a further distance at which participants report discomfort; 

(ii) the presentation of a pleasant odour will allow for a shorter distance at which participants report discomfort, effectively shrinking participants’ PPS.

The student is encouraged to generate their own research questions and hypotheses, as well as contribute to the design of the virtual paradigms to be implemented.


Rizzolatti, G., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L., and Gallese, V. (1997). The space around us. Science 277, 190–191. doi:10.1126/science.277.5323.190

Graziano, M. S., and Cooke, D. F. (2006). Parieto-frontal interactions, personal space, and defensive behavior. Neuropsychologia 44, 845–859. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2005.09.011 

Blanke, O., Slater, M., and Serino, A. (2015). Behavioral, neural, and computational principles of bodily self-consciousness. Neuron 88, 145–166. 

Salomon, R., Noel, J.-P., Lukowska, M., Faivre, N., Metzinger, T., Serino, A., et al. (2017). Unconscious integration of multisensory bodily input in the peripersonal space shapes bodily self consciousness. Cognition 166, 174–183. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2017.05.028

Serino, A., Noel, J. P., Mange, R., Canzoneri, E., Pellencin, E., Ruiz, J. B., ... & Herbelin, B. (2018). Peripersonal space: an index of multisensory body–environment interactions in real, virtual, and mixed realities. Frontiers in ICT, 4, 31.

Anzahl der Arbeiten zu diesem Thema: 2

Zeitrahmen: 6 Monate/1 Semester

Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Bigna Lenggenhager, Dr. rer. nat. Duangkamol (Nack) Srismith 
