[Translate to Englisch:] Blick vom See aus auf die Universität
Blick vom See aus auf die Universität

Welcome to the working group
Psychological Assessment and Health Psychology

Our research focuses on
- Health and nutritional behavior
- Sustainable behavior
- Collective behavior
- Risk perception and communication

[Translate to Englisch:] Arbeitsgruppe Renner 2022 ©Inka Reiter
[Translate to Englisch:] Arbeitsgruppe Renner 2022 ©Inka Reiter

Our Team

Prof. Dr. Britta Renner and her working group

Mit dem Smartphone wird ein Bild einer Mahlzeit aufgenommen.
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Our research
lives from participation

We are always looking for participants for our studies.

Do you want to stay up to date? Register for our mailing list and/or find our studies on SONA.

Grenzgänger Wissenschaft: Nachhaltigkeit und Gesundheit - Auftakt der dritten Runde des Wissenschafts-Talk „Grenzgänger Wissenschaft“ am 29. Januar 2019. Blick auf die Vortragenden
Grenzgänger Wissenschaft: Nachhaltigkeit und Gesundheit - Auftakt der dritten Runde des Wissenschafts-Talk „Grenzgänger Wissenschaft“ am 29. Januar 2019. Copyright: Yvonne Martin

Transfer of knowledge

More sustainable nutrition, health promotion, mobility transition and risk perception during the coronavirus pandemic - our research topics are highly relevant to politics and society. Our research findings reach the public and political decision-makers through science communication and policy advice.

A selection of media contributions

Bild zeigt Buchstabenwürfel, die das Wort JOBS darstellen

Open positions

We currently have no vacancies for academic staff.

Applications as student assistants or for a research internship are welcome at any time by e-mail to the secretary's office (sek-renner@uni-konstanz). Please attach the usual documents (letter of motivation, CV, overview of grades, certificates if applicable) in a pdf file.

Current news

Filming for the programme ‘Doc Fischer’, Britta Renner in an interview with the SWR team ©AG Renner BIOJS

Britta Renner at "Doc Fischer" on 4th of September 2024

On 04th of September 2024, the health magazine ‘Doc Fischer’ will address the question ‘Why am I not getting full?’. The programme will be broadcast on SWR at 20:15. The filming for the interview with Britta Renner took place on 16 August 2024 in Constance.

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Collective Appetite Illustration: studio animanova // Christoph J Kellner (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Follow-up to the event Exzellent gefragt!

On July 18, 2024, scientists from the two Clusters of Excellence in Constance answered questions from the interested public at the Port of Constance. Dr. Christophe Bousquet and Jana Straßheim presented the “Collective Appetite” project at the event.

Hidden object picture drawn in black on a sea-blue background with robot, hamster, head, fish, moth and much more.

Exzellent gefragt!

What exactly is swarm intelligence? How do politicians make decisions, and how do animal swarms? Can the use of AI in the workplace succeed? On July 18, 2024, scientists from the two Konstanz Clusters of Excellence will answer your questions.

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