Vorlesung Universität Konstanz ©Universität Konstanz
Vorlesung Universität Konstanz ©Universität Konstanz

Collaboration in research: Internship Module 7

Applications for this module in the 2-year Master's programme are possible at any time, and we offer ongoing collaboration in our research projects.

We conduct ongoing studies in our research projects using various methods.

The way to research internship (Module 7: Internship in the 2-year Master)

If you are interested in a research internship, you are welcome to send us your application by e-mail at sek-renner@uni-konstanz.de.

The application should contain the following information (in the form of a single pdf document):

  • Letter of motivation, stating your expectations of the internship
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Current overview of grades
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • Information on the duration and desired period of the internship
  • Information on the desired number of hours

A look into the lab in the Collective Appetite project

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