Maria Niedernhuber

Short bio

Maria is an associated postdoctoral researcher in the Cognitive Psychology group. Her postdoctoral project "Predicting pain", funded by the Berarelli Foundation, focuses on the cognitive and emotional factors that determine the course of chronic pain in complex regional pain syndrome. The project is part of a collaboration between the University of Zurich, EPFL and the University of Cambridge and aims to improve the quality of life of chronic pain patients through a neurotechnologically and phenomenologically informed approach. She received her PhD from the University of Cambridge in the Consciousness and Cognition Lab under the supervision of Tristan Bekinschtein. Her PhD focused on the supramodality of cortical markers associated with perceptual prediction errors. She studied Cognitive Science in her Bachelor's degree at the University of Tübingen and Cognitive and Decision Sciences in her Master's degree at University College London.

Research interests

  • Rehabilitation of individuals with chronic pain conditions
  • Data-driven computational methods for consciousness research using EEG/Neurotechnology
  • Bridging cognitive and bodily aspects of consciousness neuroscience