Studying while in school and guest auditor programme

Studierende am Campusbrunnen
Studierende am Campusbrunnen

Schnupperstudium – explore a field of study!

The Schnupperstudium (studying while in school), i.e. attending lectures for a maximum of 3 weeks without taking exams, is a short but intensive way of getting to know a field of study. You can find lecture dates in the course catalogue (ZEuS). There is no need to register. At the Department of Psychology, courses with a limited number of places (seminars, internships,...) are excluded from the Schnupperstudium. We recommend that you pick courses from the early semesters, as the contents in advanced semesters require knowledge from previous courses. Take a look at our exemplary study plan for the bachelor's programme for an orientation on which courses might suit you.

FAQs student auditor programme

Which Psychology courses can I take as a student auditor?

As a student auditor you can attend all lectures at the Department of Psychology. Courses with limited places (e.g. seminars, internships) are not available to student auditors. You can find the lecture dates in the course catalogue in ZEuS without having to login. 

Can student auditors graduate with a degree?

No, student auditors cannot graduate with a degree. The purpose of the student auditor programme is to give anyone who is interested insight into different topics of psychology. This way, people without Abitur (German general higher education entrance qualification), for instance, also have a chance to sit in on courses.

Can student auditors take exams?

No, student auditors can not take exams and can not have their achievements credited towards a regular study programme.

Exceptions apply to registered students of cooperation partners of the University of Konstanz. These include

  • students of the HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences
  • students of the Thurgau University of Teacher Education (PHTG)