Information for seminar bookings

Occupancy period 

  • from the start date beginning at 09:00 a.m. and ending on the end date at 23:59 p.m. 
  • Seminars have to be booked in the corresponding period depending on the degree programme/subject semester/event group - otherwise your seminar bookings will be cancelled and not taken into account.

Module assignments of seminars

  • Some seminars are subject to several module assignments and therefore have several booking periods.

For example:

  • ­­MSc as well as BSc module assignments or 4 yrs BSc and 3 yrs BSc module assignments. 
  • 1st period for Master's seminars - 2nd period for Bachelor's seminars.

Key data - Seminar place allocation for the summer semester 2024

Key data for all study programmes

Transferable Skills courses offered by the Psychology Department*

  • 17- 18 October 2024

*The transferable skills courses can be taken in any semester. Psychology students are admitted preferentially.


Cancellation deadline for seminars: 21 Oct - 01 Nov 2024


  • Registration for lectures (separate from registration for exams!)**: 01 Oct 2024 - 31 Jan 2025
  • Registration for lecture exams: 01 - 30 June 2024
  • De-registration from lecture exams: 01 June 2024 - 14 days before the beginning of the examination. 

** Required to receive access to the course in ILIAS. The ILIAS course can be accessed the next day.

B.Sc. Psychology 3-years

1st semester

Advanced Seminar on Social Psychology: 17 - 18 Oct 2024

3rd semester 

  • Advanced Seminar on General Psychology 2: 16 - 17 Sept 2024
  • Advanced Seminar on Psychological Assessment: 16 - 17 Sept 2024
  • Experimental Research Methods 2 (ExPra 2): 23 Oct 2024 until 6 p.m.

5th semester 

  • Advanced Seminar on Psychotherapeutic Methods: 16 - 17 Sept 2024
  • Advanced Seminar on the Psychology of Health and Prevention: 16 - 17 Sept 2024
  • Advanced Psychology Courses: 23 - 24 Sept 2024                        
  • Research Methods: 23 - 24 Sept 2024
  • Remaining spaces allocation: 30 Sept - 01 Oct 2024
  • Research Colloquium: 01 - 18 Oct 2024

B.Sc. Psychology 4-years (ER 2012)

  • Allocation of seminar places               23 - 24 Sept 2024
  • Swap & de-registration phase             30 Sept - 01 Oct 2024
  • Remaining spaces allocation              02 - 04 Oct 2024
  • Research Colloquium                         01 - 18 Oct 2024

M.Sc. Psychology 1-year (ER 2013)

  • Registration for seminar places     16 - 17 Sept 2024
  • Swap & de-registration phase        30 Sept - 01 Oct 2024
  • Remaining spaces allocation          02 - 04 Oct 2024

M.Sc. Psychology 2-years (ER 2023)

  • Registration for seminar places          17 - 18 October 2024 
  • De-registration period                         21 October - 01 November 2024

M.Sc. Psychology with a focus on clinical psychology and psychotherapy 2-years (ER 2023)

  • Registration for seminar places              17 - 18 October 2024
  • De-registration period                              21 October - 01 November 2024
  • Research colloquium:                              01 - 18 October 2024

General information

In general, attendance at psychology seminars is only open to psychology students. Information for non-specialist students can be found here. The number of participants in the seminars is limited.

Seminar bookings only via ZEuS

Since there are different dates for seminars and the experimental practical course, you must apply for a place for these separately in ZEuS. The course catalogue for a new semester will be released shortly after the end of the old lecture phase. 

Access to ILIAS after the allocation of seminar places

If you received a seminar place, you will automatically be registered in the corresponding course in ILIAS. In addition, the department automatically registers you for the corresponding examination of the seminar in ZEuS.

Seminar deregistration only via ZEuS

Deregistration is only possible in the first two weeks after the start of lectures. Please then deregister from the course on ZEuS. This will also automatically deregister you from the exam.

Absence due to illness at seminars with compulsory attendance

For courses with compulsory attendance, a maximum of one fifth of the time or dates may be missed, regardless of whether the absence is the student's fault. Exceeding the maximum absence time or dates leads to failing the course, however, approval of a seminar withdrawal is possible by submitting appropriate proof (e.g. certificates) to the Psychology Exam Administration Office. Exceptions to this rule can be granted by the Standing Examination Board upon application.

Deregistration after the deregistration deadline

After the cancellation deadline, no subsequent cancellation of seminars is possible. In the case of a failure to pass a course/seminar due to illness, a "withdrawal with certificate" will be noted in ZEuS upon presentation of a medical certificate. Please submit this certificate in good time (for block seminars before the start of the seminar) to the Psychology Examination Office and also inform the Examination Office by e-mail of your withdrawal due to illness ( In all other cases, a "fail" will be entered for non-attendance. Failed seminars will not be issued on the certificate or a transcript of records.

Application for preferential seminar admission

We take into account personal circumstances such as disability, time constraints due to children and/or caring for relatives, Erasmus/ semester abroad, internship, parallel studies, top athletes and last open seminar performance. If you have special circumstances that justify priority treatment in the allocation of places, please complete the relevant form within the respective registration deadline (see key data) and send the form to Please note that your request for priority seminar admission is not a guarantee of a place. 


Please still take part in the allocation of places in ZEuS and only select the seminars in ZEuS that you have also indicated in the form "Application for Preferred Seminar Admission".