Universitätsallianz EUniWell und Psychologie
Kooperationsmöglichkeiten in Forschung und Lehre
Die gemeinsame Mission der elf EUniWell Partneruniversitäten aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Schweden, Spanien, Ungarn und der Ukraine: Wohlergehen („Well-Being“) multiperspektivisch denken, um nachhaltig durch innovative Formate und Kooperationsformen in Bildung, Forschung und Transfer das Wohlergehen und Wohlbefinden aller dauerhaft und im Sinne globaler Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu fördern und positive Veränderungen für das Allgemeinwohl zu bewirken.
Psychologie-Forschung der EUniWell-Partner
Es gibt viele gute Gründe und Anreize für die Initiierung von Kooperationsprojekten im Rahmen der EUniWell-Allianz. Für einen ersten Überblick zu Kooperationsmöglichkeiten in Forschung und Lehre am Fachbereich Psychologie, finden Sie auf den demnächst (noch im Aufbau) am linken Seitenrand abgebildeten Unterseiten die für den Fachbereich Psychologie interessanten Forschungsbereiche der EUniWell Partneruniversitäten. Bei Fragen hierzu kommen Sie gerne auf uns zu.
EUniWell-Förderprojekte für Forschung & Lehre
EUniWell Research Training Academy
The EUniWell Research Training Academy includes a centre for (emerging) research talent, a centre for leaders, an extensive range of courses, scholarships and networking opportunities to attract, develop and nurture the next generation of EUniWell change-makers and ensure that they are prepared for a multitude of professional goals and roles in society.
The Academy will support the creation of a community of researchers united by their commitment to well-being and provide a space where they can network, interact, co-create and share their research findings in a supportive, agile, dynamic, well-being-led environment. The Academy seeks to equip researchers with all relevant “future skills” that will help them to tackle a growing number of cross-cutting topics such as open science, innovation, sustainability, data management, co-creation, science communication and entrepreneurial mindset. Learn more.
EUniWell Well-Being Research Incubator Programme
The concept behind the Well-Being Research Incubator Programme is to encourage collaboration between researchers from a number of EUniWell institutions and a variety of disciplines through online workshops and small-scale projects. It gives researchers access to the established, well-connected alliance of EUniWell universities and partners from the public, private and third sectors. Through collaborative workshops, the Programme offers them opportunities to: learn about research activity taking place across Europe; make connections and build a network of peers; identify common interests, synergies and potential for research collaboration. Learn more.
The Seed Funding Programme
The EUniWell Seed Funding Programme aims to promote collaborative, grassroots projects initiated by researchers, students, teachers and administrative staff from participating universities.
The scheme supports initiatives which are in line with EUniWell’s core mission: To understand, measure, rebalance and improve the well-being within universities and society as a whole. The Programme contributes to creating innovative ideas to foster well-being, enhance existing collaborations between EUniWell members, or initiate new ones.
Projects can address a large set of topics related to health (mental and physical), individual and social well-being, quality education, as well as environmental and urban sustainability, all of which are essential for well-being and quality of life, as defined by the EUniWell mission statement.
Competitive calls for proposals are organised twice a year. Learn more.
EUniWell Mobility Skills (EMS)
The umbrella of EUniWell Mobility Skills (EMS) offers language, inter-comprehension and intercultural communication skills in various formats (academic, non-academic, virtual, blended or on-campus) to EUniWell students, faculty and staff, in order to foster a multilingual European habitus and increase an understanding for transculturality in practice.
The EUniWell languages are English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.
Specific offers for researchers and staff can be found at the bottom of this page.